LU 10 Acupuncture Point (Yuji) Location,Benefit

LU 10 Acupuncture Point(Yuji) belongs to the Lung Meridian of hand-Taiyin,which is commonly used for cough, hemoptysis, dry throat, sore throat, aphonia,palm heat, incoordination between spleen and stomach in children.

Location of LU 10 Acupuncture Point

On the radial aspect of the 1st metacarpal at the midpoint of the bone at the junction of the red and white skin.

YuJi acupoint

What is the meaning of Yuji

Yuji:”Yu”,Fish,refers to the fish in the water,the yang in the yin; “Ji”,refers to meeting or gathering. Because It is located on the back and inside of the thumb ,and in the depression on the margin of the muscle that bulges like a fish. Hence the name.

What is LU 10 Acupuncture Point used for

cough, hemoptysis, dry throat, sore throat, aphonia,palm heat, incoordination between spleen and stomach in children.

LU 10 Acupuncture Point therapy

Massage therapy

Use thumb and fingertips to pinch and rub the Yuji acupoint, it can relieve cough, sore throat and clear heat.

Moxibustion Therapy

Mild moxibustion Yuji acupoint with moxa sticks for 5-20 minutes, once a day,It can relieve toothache.

Scraping Therapy

Scrape the Yuji acupoint with continuous movement of rotating loops, once every other day to treat coughs.

Acupoint Compatibility

Combined with Dazhui, Hegu, Waiguan and Lieque points to treat cough.

Combined with Chize, Taiyuan, Feishu, Geshu and Sanyinjiao points to treat hemoptysis.

Combined with Fengchi, Shaohai, Shaochong, Hegu, Fuliu, Linqi, and Taibai points to treat cold and heat.

Combined with Fengchi, Yemen, Zhongzhu, and Tongli to treat headaches.

Combined with Taixi and Zhaohai points to treat throat swelling and pain.

Combined with HeGu, Jianshi, Shenmen, Rangu, Feishu and Shenshu to treat aphonia.

Combined with Chize, Jianyu, Xiaohai, Jianshi, Daling and Houxi points to treat elbow and arm contracture.

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